For my data entry I'm pretty limited on the hours as they are assigned to me and I have to get as much done as I possibly can in that time slot. Summer lab hours end August 12 to give everyone a short vacation before next semester starts. Since next semester I will be writing my thesis, my personal goal is to have all the data entered so the next four months will just be analysis. You have no idea how awesome that would be...well, unless you work in a research field. Yesterday I stayed late to enter a few more things so I'm hoping tomorrow I can do the same. If I can finish entering information for two more classes, I will be super psyched!!
Work also isn't something I have a lot of control over. I work with specific clients at specific times which I'm fine with except I would really like to be making more money. DHF says not to worry, that I should focus on school and he will help with the rest but I don't feel that's fair to him. I would love to be making at least forty dollars more a week but since I have school and such, I have no idea when I can fit in the extra hours. I'm already strapped for time as it is.
Tutoring may have to fall to the side, as much as I hate to admit it. I can't charge for this service due to who it is and their needs. I love teaching it and the guy I tutor is wonderful but I think I would have more room for flexibility in other aspects of my life if I didn't have to worry about making sure I meet with him twice a week. I feel like an ass saying that since it's only an hour but it becomes an issue when anything else in my life has to be moved to a different time. I think I have cancelled on him more times than we've met. I dunno, I guess I'll let him know today that I'll have to stop by September. That should give him time to find someone else.
Family is almost an impossible goal. We all work so much and have completely conflicting schedules that we just assume everyone is still alive and go about our merry way. Seeing them might be easier if I didn't work on Saturdays but until I can pay off my credit cards, I don't see me being able to have that day free. As for DHF, well, I may have to just bring my laptop on days he and I hang out and just do my work at his place until I get caught up. Next semester is gonna be a world of only slightly fun as I have so much research to do. (I say slightly fun as I love the research part but the writing everything up part is a bit poopy.)
Well, I guess there isn't much else to say about things. I gotta cowboy up and kick this pig. It's only gonna get more stressful the longer I wait. I'm sure things will fall into their proper place though. If not, they won't and I'll be screwed. Eh, it's sink or swim when it comes to life; hopefully though, it's in salt water.
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