Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It was brought to my attention that I haven't updated this in a while. Sorry about that.

Well, so far this semester is not going how I thought it would. For some reason I imagined excitement and friends but all I've gotten is a near breakdown and people I don't have time to see. Funny how that all works out.

This semester I'm sorta packing on the stress so my last semester wont be so bad. I have two honors classes and some research to do for my thesis and, when I write that out, it doesn't seem so bad. Well, you're wrong. I'm not sure if its having classes from 7am-8:30pm twice a week while working all the other days or if it's the fact that everything evil in this universe decided to pop straight up outta hell and announce that it was gonna make a class called "Logic" and then require me to take it...either way, this semester is ticking me off and we are just on the third week.

What's not ticking me off though is my relationship. DHF has to be the single most wonderful man in existence and I have this huge cocky smile from knowing he's mine. I dunno how he does it but he manages to balance work, friends, family, me (my bullshit included) and gracefully cut down on smoking. Seriously. I mean, he managed to keep me from going postal at twelve this morning even though he worked a twelve hour shift and had to wake up the next morning at 5:30. He didn't even get irritated. He just smiled and told me to chill. Amazingly, it worked.

In happy news, I should be asking for my Saturdays back starting next month. DHF and I both figure it will help me chill and what makes it more awesome is this will allow me to visit my friends out of state more often. Considering almost all of my friends have moved out of state for graduate school, that's more awesome than I can say.

Another thing that makes me super psyched, I've almost got all my credit cards payed off. I only have three left to go and one of them should be gone by October 1st. Whoot!!!!

I dunno, I got a lot to be happy for...I guess the reason I'm so stressed is that I'm in the homestretch and nothing has really come to pass yet. It's like I've been underwater too long and I'm swimming to the top and my lungs feel like they are on fire but I haven't broke the surface yet. Make sense?

Okay, back to studying. I have a logic exam Thursday.... ew.

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