The world is on the edge of revolution. Turn on the television and riots are on every station. People are dissatisfied. They have a right to be. For too long, the government and big businesses have sought to quiet us. They have taken away our rights and replaced them with mindless dribble. They say speak freely but not if it is something they don't want to hear. They say right to happiness but limit it to what makes them happy. They say live your life but they make us their slaves.
Large companies destroy the hopes and dreams of those people who open honest business. They treat their employees poorly-some like slaves. They deny promotion and insurances that may benefit the lives of the people they rely on in order to operate. Fat cats get fatter while people who have suffered continue to do so.
Where are the citizens to go when it's government authorities are corrupted? Many are more worried about what big business with it's big wallet wants than they are for the people who rely on them to make their voices heard. The news screams at us that the only way to change things is to vote but all many of us see is a choice in picking the less evil of two 'bought' politicians.
It seems the idea of revolution has become something to fear and destroy. It quakes people who are too distracted by the 'gift' of social media and mindless television to notice that something is terribly wrong. We are in debt, people are losing their jobs, their homes, children are hungry, the elderly are living on pennies, and education costs get higher and higher while loans get harder and harder to obtain. The government gives tax break to the rich while the poor starve in a land of plenty. It's not working. Nothing is working and things need to change.
We are the change. This goes beyond being American or the 'youth of the nation.' This is the human spirit and we refuse to be broken.

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